
colonial buildings

Step into the resurgence of architectural elegance as colonial-style buildings make a bold statement in the American construction scene. These structures take us back to the captivating and sophisticated designs that defined the colonial era, offering a timeless allure that resonates with modern sensibilities. If you’re drawn to the charm of classically styled buildings and envision living in one, North American Steel Structures stands ready to transform your dream into reality.

Our team of seasoned professionals takes pride in crafting the epitome of excellence – the highest quality steel buildings in the country. At North American Steel Structures, your journey is more than a construction project; it’s a commitment to delivering customer satisfaction that spans from the initial concept to the final flourish.

With North American Steel Structures, your desire for a classically styled dwelling becomes an attainable reality. Experience the blend of timeless design and unmatched craftsmanship, ensuring your satisfaction echoes from the first blueprint to the last detail. Elevate your living experience with North American Steel Structures, where your dream of a colonial-style haven is not just realized but exceeds expectations.

Benefits of Colonial Style Buildings

When you talk about installing metal buildings, you first consider the numerous ways you can benefit from this construction. You imagine how versatile, costly, and beautiful the colonial buildings can be. Overall, your chief aim would be to create utility and satisfy your creative urge — North American Steel Structures offers you an opportunity to indulge your creativity and design for your dream metal colonial building. The company’s building specialists are always ready to pick your call and deliver to your needs and purposes.

Below are some of the benefits of installing a colonial building:


One thing that metal buildings are known for is their resilience and durability. Metal buildings from North American Steel Structures are built with special galvanized steel components capable of withstanding the mother of all storms. Steel buildings don’t bend, crack or collapse under immense pressure.

Ease of maintenance

Another benefit of a metal buildings is that they are easy to maintain. Unlike in usual wooden buildings, there are no misplaced shingles or nails. Metal buildings require little or no maintenance cost. Steel does not succumb to environmental damage or pests. The facilities are also simple to clean and are always in a perpetual state of order.


Metal buildings are also simple to design and customize. Unlike what obtains in other building styles, a metal building design is easy to customize and shape to your own needs and purposes. Metal buildings are also versatile and functional. It means that they can be repurposed or redesigned for other activities.


Compared to other building materials, steel buildings are easily sourced and therefore cheaper to build. Woods, bricks, cement types, and other building materials are very expensive, which will drive up the price of brick and wooden structures.


Metal buildings are stable and durable. One other quality they have is the ability to stand strong and firm against fire’s destructive nature. Metal buildings won’t collapse or lose structural integrity due to burning.


Our Manufactures can insulate colonial metal buildings with Insulation to avoid or prevent energy wastage. That would also reduce the amount of money you spend on heating or cooling.


We already mentioned that metal buildings are simple to design, manufacture and install. A dedicated team can manufacture an average metal building in days instead of weeks.

Customization Options for Metal Colonial Buildings

North American Steel Structures offers you the opportunity to remake or design your colonial building to your satisfaction and needs. With the customization options, there are no limited choices or restrictions.

You can customize your colonial building by choosing the size, window and door choices, and even roof options. North American Steel Structures offers tremendous flexibility, all for the sake of customer satisfaction and service delivery. There are other customization options available for your perusal, including steel frame gauge, roof panels gauges, roof styles, certifications, anchors, and so on.

North American Steel Structures also presents you with 15 color options to choose from. You can also decide to combine these colors to give your building a chic and warm style.

Site Preparation for Colonial Buildings Installation

Do you feel ready for the installation of your metal colonial building? Have you prepared your site for the eventual installation of your building?

Site Preparation is one of the most important steps or procedures to go through before delivery and installation of a metal building. If you want a smooth and seamless installation of your metal building, then you have to do your part and ensure that the site is ready for delivery and installation.

Some of the steps you have to take include:

  • Clearing the site of all debris, tree stumps, and any other thing that could disturb the installation process.
  • It is also vital that you pick and set a foundation before the building arrives. There are several types of foundations, but the concrete foundation is reputed to be the best option.
  • Another thing you should do before installing your colonial building is checking local building laws and codes. Make sure you have all the necessary documents and gain approval before installation begins.

Colonial Building Prices and Financing Options

North American Steel Structures offers the best metal buildings for affordable prices. Colonial buildings are some of the most versatile and affordable metal buildings in the industry. They represent a good deal for the money and are also an investment for future applications. However, suppose you’re unable to meet the prices of metal colonial buildings because your customization options have caused a drastic increase in total cost. In that case, you have nothing to worry about. North American Steel Structures has two financing options to assist you in your purchase.

The financing options at North American Steel Structues are tailored to the specific needs and budget of individuals. The company understands that no single person goes through the same financial difficulties, so you can pattern your terms and conditions to fit your budget. North American Steel Structures financing options include the rent-to-own option and a traditional financing program.

Buy a Colonial Building from North American Steel Structers

It’s time to upgrade your residential or commercial property with colonial style buildings. You can trust the dedicated team at North American Steel Structures to handle your order. Call us to ask about free and fast delivery as well as an exclusive 20-year rust-through warranty. You can only smile after dealing with North American Steel Structures, thanks to customization options at affordable rates.